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Service Fees

Effective Date: January 28, 2024
Last Updated: January 28, 2024

To facilitate the smooth operation of OpenMicz, cover ongoing technical enhancements, software development, and the introduction of new platform features, a service fee is applied upon confirmation of a booking or host services.

1. Event Fee
1.1 Created by Host

This fee is only paid by Hosts that create, and manage an event (including workshops) held in a Space that they have listed on the OpenMicz Platform (hereinafter, a “self organized event.”) The service fee as of January 1, 2024 is $5.00 USD per self organized event, paid once at the creation of each and every self organized event on the OpenMicz platform.

1.2 Created by Producer

Included in each booking is the ability to create a one-time Event as part of the Host Services booking. Therefore, Producers are not required to pay an additional event fee for the subsequent creation and management of an event after they have made a booking with a Space Host.

2. Host Fee

Hosts pay a standard $5.00 USD per booking transacted with a Producer, or 10% from the total amount of the booking total–whichever amount is greater–and this fee is automatically deducted from the Host payout. When a Host lists their Space for less than $50.00 USD, down to and including the minimum amount (set by OpenMicz) of $5.00 USD, the standard $5.00 USD service fee will be collected by OpenMicz Payments, and any excess amounts will be issued in the following Host payout.

3. Producer Fee

The Producer service fee as of January 1, 2024 is $14.99 USD per month–billed monthly, or $9.99 USD per month–billed annually.

4. Performer Fee

The Performer service fee as of January 1, 2024 is $9.99 USD per month–billed monthly, or $6.99 USD per month–billed annually.