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Reviews Policy

Last Updated: January 28, 2024

OpenMicz cultivates trust between Hosts and Producers through our event review process, facilitating informed booking and hosting decisions. This system offers honest feedback to enhance the experience for both parties. Our reviews policy aims to maintain authenticity, trustworthiness, and usefulness in the feedback shared within our community.

Reviews should be impartial, include pertinent details that accurately represent the reviewer's actual experience during the event, and adhere to our Content Policy.

Reviews must be impartial.
Reviews should contain pertinent details.
Reviews must adhere to our content policy.

They should not include explicit, discriminatory, harmful, fraudulent, illegal, or other content that violates our Content Policy.

Reporting reviews as part of this reviews policy

To report a review violating this policy, please contact us. If a review breaches this policy, we may delete the review, along with any associated ratings and content. We take the removal of any review seriously and only do so when there is a clear violation. Depending on the nature of the violation, we may also restrict, suspend, or remove the associated OpenMicz account.

This policy may be applied differently in various locations to comply with local laws.

Responding to reviews

Although we anticipate that all community participants will submit reviews that mirror their authentic experiences and present accurate information, we do not intervene in disputes concerning the veracity of reviews. Rather, we permit individuals to post responses to reviews within a 14-day timeframe.

Removing a review you wrote

After your published review, you can get in touch with us through email or phone to request its removal.