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Content Policy

Effective Date: January 28, 2024
Last Updated: January 28, 2024

By contributing content to OpenMicz, you commit to adhering to this policy. Content encompasses any written, photographic, audio, video, or other material, including:

We retain the authority to delete any content, whether in its entirety or partially, that contravenes this policy, our Terms of Service, or our Reviews Policy, or for any other reason within our sole discretion. In cases of recurring or serious violations, we may additionally limit, suspend, or deactivate the relevant OpenMicz account.

The following content is not allowed on OpenMicz:
Additional policy infringements for specific content types:
Listing titles
Listing or profile pages
How to report content that violates our policy

If you believe content violates this policy, you can report the content directly by emailing us at or by calling us at 1-866-OPN-MICZ (676-6429).